Upcoming events

  • No upcoming events

Donation goal

To track your fundraising efforts, you can add a donation goal to a page on your site. The donation goal gadget displays a progress bar that measures progress towards your financial goal.
Goal: $100.00
Collected: $0.00

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Wild Apricot is web-based software for small associations and non-profits to help manage membership, website, events and other activities.

Donation goal

Here, you can place the text of your donation appeal. You can also provide a button that links to your donation page.
Goal: $100.00
Collected: $0.00

Our reviews page has the complete scores and feedback from our customer survey, and you can find even more reviews on LinkedIn and Capterra. As you'll see, not everyone loves us, but most people have a lot of great things to say about how Wild Apricot has helped them run their organization more effectively. 

Adding Wild Apricot functionality to other websites. Read more

Member management

  Member and contact management help page.

  You can control the appearance of a gadget using its settings.

Upcoming events

  • No upcoming events

Blog posts


This theme was designed to be very flexible and easy to customize without any knowledge of HTML or CSS. Designers can use this theme as the basis for complex or heavily customized sites. Read more

Customize this theme using: selection of templates, easy to colorize placeholders, gadget settings, and setting on the Colors and Styles screen. Read more


You may add gadgets to the page template so that they will automatically appear on every page that uses this template. You can add navigation links to frequently accessed pages, or insert copyright and contact information so visitors can get in touch with you. 

DefenSe Lawyers Association

Call or Fax Us
Office: +1 (111) 111-1111
Fax: 111-111-1111

2222 Street, City,
77 Luigi Forest Suite 937

Powered by Wild Apricot Membership Software